Uniformed organisations
Rainbows 4.40 - 5.40pm
Unit Guide Leader - Judy Cockings
Tel. 01823 368072
Email judy.cockings@btinternet.com
Brownies 5.45 - 7.15pm
Tel. Natasha Smith 01823 326472
Galmington Guides 6.30 - 8pm
Tel. Linda Fisher 01823 330027
West Taunton Beavers 5.15 - 6.15pm (age 6-8). BEAVERS WAITING LIST IS CURRENTLY CLOSED
Email wtsgadmissions@gmail.com to join.
West Taunton Cubs 6.30 - 7.45pm (age 8-11). CUBS WAITING LIST IS CURRENTLY CLOSED.
Email wtsgadmissions@gmail.com to join.
West Taunton Scouts 7 - 9pm (age 11-14). SCOUTS WAITING LIST IS CURRENTLY CLOSED.
Email wtsgadmissions@gmail.com to join.
Other clubs or societies
Zumba Gold Classes
Monday afternoons 2pm (term time only).
Tel Nikki Mumby 01823 283350
Lumiere Youth Theatre (Lower Hall)
Tuesday, Friday, Saturday and school holiday workshops
Contact Tara www.makedrama.com / lumiereyouththeatre@gmail.com
Somerset Academy of Kickboxing (Main Hall)
Starting Tuesday 6th May 6pm - 7.30pm.
Tel Mark Drewett-Nation 07864 987924
Trident Netball Club
Wednesday eveining - Senior netball (outside play area)
Tel. Clare Knight 07583 625905
Saturday morning - Junior netball (outside play area)
Tel. Tracy Knight 07449 783551
LaPilates in Lower Hall
Wednesday 10 - 11 am
Thursday 9 -10 am
Tel. Larissa Bollinger 07860135753
Email lapilates@gmail.com
Short mat bowls 10 - 12am
Tel. Pat Watkins 01823 282820
Mondays and Thursdays
Box-Hit in the lower hall 6 - 7pm
£5 per session or £40 for 10 sessions
Tel. Smart Fitness 07557904204
9.30 - 10.30am (term time only)
KFA moves tel. 01403 256000
7 - 9pm
Judo Classes held in the Lower Hall
Tel. Richard Nichols 07874992430
8 - 10pm
Taunton Canine Ring Craft Classes
Tel. Lynne Creech 01823 461699
9.30 - 10.30 (Term time only)
Fitness 4 fun
Tel 07561 498365
Thursdays (Main Hall)
Bounce fit with Beth 11 - 12
Email bouncefitwithbeth@yahoo.com.
6.15 pm - 10.15 pm
Somerset Canine Obedience Club (pet dog obedience classes)
Tel. Julie 07467 954030
email scoc.enquiries@gmail.com
9:30 - 12:30am
Gymboree's Play & Music classes 0 - 5 /s
Classes are:
9:30am Gymboree Play & Learn Level 4-5 (from 20 months)
10:30am Gymboree Play & Learn Level 3 (from 10-20 months)
11:30am Gymboree Play & Learn Level 5-6 (pre-schoolers)
To book a free trial contact
email claudia@gymboree-uk.com or
phone 07540970019 or
phone 01823 335346 after 8pm
8am- 1pm
Slimming World
Tel. Laraine Smith 01823 256314
email: larainesmith07@yahoo.co.uk
11:30am- 3pm
Taunton Bird Club last Sunday of every month
Tel. Steve 07742846002